Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Questions - Tuesday

Is there any significance to the fact that the donkey the disciples took was one that had never been ridden? 
In Mark 11:2, Jesus specifies that the colt the disciples should take needed to be one that had never been ridden. Luke 19:30 adds that detail as well. The idea implied by the Greek word here is that the colt was one that had not been broken, or tamed. By specifying a colt which had not been tamed, Jesus was taking an opportunity once again to prove who He is. By foreknowing all the details the disciples would need to know as they secured the donkey, Jesus was proving His omniscience. By riding an unbroken colt into Jerusalem, He was demonstrating control over nature. The Triumphal Entry should have been another piece of evidence to everyone who watched that Jesus Christ is the God of the Universe. 

HOW do we start living differently if we have not been revealing God in our lives? 
You have to start slowly, and to show yourself the same kind of grace God shows you. Nobody gets it right all the time, but every one of us can do better than we did yesterday. The first thing I would do is ask God to begin giving you opportunities to reveal Him through your life, and to help you recognize those opportunities when they show up. Then, look for specific instances in the small areas in which you can speak a kind word to a person who needs to hear it, or provide physical need for another person, or make a sacrifice that is in another person's best interest. In short, look for opportunities to do something out of the norm that reflects God's heart. 

If you want a real, practical idea, try something I learned from a book I once read: Buy a watch that beeps at you every hour that can serve as a constant reminder throughout the day that wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you have the chance to reveal God through your worship. You don't have to wear it forever, but an hourly reminder for a few weeks can be a helpful tool in jolting me back into the reality that I can "declare His praise" in every aspect of my life.  

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